Thursday, September 29, 2011

Module 2: Elements of Distance Education Diffusion

Of the three elements of distance education discussed by George Siemens, the one that I will discuss in great detail is collaborative interaction, as I believe that communication and collaborative interaction are heavily intertwined. Palloff and Pratt (2005) says that “collaborative activity is important in both face to face and online classes because it promotes the following: development of critical thinking skills, co-creation of knowledge and meaning, reflection, and transformative learning” (p. 4). As it relates to the development of critical thinking skills and the co-creation of knowledge and meaning, learners collaborating allow the learners to actually learn from one another… Through collaboration, “The ability to create knowledge and meaning is enhanced” (Paloff & Pratt, 2005, p. 6). This leads me to think about a quote by one great mind that says, ‘two heads are better than one.’ For instance, if I work with someone else, this allows me to consider perspectives other than my own. Finally, I say that collaborative interaction and communication are intertwined because in order to collaborate, there must be communication. In distance education, this communication may seldom times be verbal; instead it will be written, using various technologies such as email, blogs, wikis, social networking sites, video conferencing, etc.. Furthermore, to support communication, Simonson (2008) says that distance education “allows us to communicate in conversations outside of what we would have previously had.” Additionally, distance education isn’t just beneficial in educational settings, but also in “corporations by allowing them to interact with different offices around the world” (Simonson, 2008).

Palloff, R. & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. Jossey-Bass.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer) (2008a). Distance Education: The next Generation. Baltimore, MD: Author


  1. Jessica,

    I agree that the term "two heads are better than one" perfectly describes collaboration and its purpose in distance education. As you also mentioned, even corporations are using these opportunities to collaborate globally. You pointed out various forms of communicating which online courses bring versus face to face classrooms. I have found that I actually prefer the learning format and collaboration through online courses such as Walden versus when I earned my B.S. in Early Childhood Education from the University of West Georgia. What have you found as the pros and cons of collaboration in distance education over face to face classroom interactions?

    Tiffany Harrell

  2. Jessica, I concur that collaborative interaction goes beyond the educational applications; progressive businesses must continually find innovative elements towards more pertinent and practical methods of sharing, discussing, and advancing with technology. Interest read and glad that you are up and running with the group.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    I enjoyed reading your response on collaborative interaction. I also selected collaborative interaction to discuss. You are absolutely right about how learners learn from each other. My students tend to make faster progress when studying with a partner, especially students with disabilities. I find myself learning a lot from my classmates here at Walden as well. Have you ever been involved in distance education other than Walden? If so, what was your experience like compared to Walden?

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I perception is the vast horizons of collaborative interactions are more utilized by sectors other than education. Probably the IT field itself is the biggest user followed by journalism (or the other way). The next is probably just for socialization like instant messaging, twitter, face book etc. Distance education is probably the third one in this line. However, now the use of collaborative interaction as a tool in distance education is fabulous and very helpful in learning too. Especially, I like the weekly discussions in our course. If you have any survey or statistics in this regards please share.
