Friday, May 11, 2012

Module 5: New Technologies

I have not had an experience in which I was met with resistance by my colleagues when trying to implement a new technology. The majority of my experiences have been assisting colleagues if they’ve had questions or concerns about using a particular technology; however, in these instances, they’d be attempting to use it and not resisting it. However, if I was ever put into the position of being met with resistance as I was attempting to persuade others to use a particular technology, I would follow the four steps identified in Keller’s ARCS model.

The easiest way to implement the model is in a training or workshop setting where you have the undivided attention of a few participants who may or may not be open to implementing the technology. As the presenter, you first want to gain the participant’s attention, as it is necessary to hook them and peak their interest in the new information being presented. The next step is to make the information relevant by showing them the importance of implementing the new concept/skill/resource. If participants do not see the importance of implementing the new, they’ll be convinced that the old still works just as well. Next, the participant’s confidence must be built. It’s not enough for them to understand the importance of implementing the new, but they need to be convinced that they can actually do it after the training is over. This is why one on one hands on training is important. It gives participants the opportunity to actually practice using whatever is to be implemented. Once participants are confident with the training provided through the workshop, this contributes to their satisfaction; and when they are satisfied, they are more willing to implement the new concept/skill/resource.  


  1. Hi Jessica,

    I blogged about my former Principal's resistance to using Outlook calendar back in 2007-2008, even though central office had been using it for at least a few years. At the time I didn't use the best approach to convince her, but I like your idea of having a training session. If I could have taught the Principal and other administrators how to use Outlook calendar ins a classroom setting like that, and if only one person caught the enthusiasm for how convenient it would be to use, that enthusiasm would have been contagious.


  2. Hi Jessica,

    I definitely agree with the relevance of the new technology and building confidence that it can be done once you leave the training. Many times we get trained on how to use a new program or piece of technology and leave feeling just a lost or worst when the training session is over. I think this is what contributes to some who refuse to use technology in the classroom because they lack the confidence to be able to duplicate what was taught. Good comment.

  3. I absolutely enjoy seeing how you put together your blog posts. As a response to Mod 5, Your comments on how it needs to be relevant, and that making it into training sessions really hit home for me and the environment in which I work. Thank you for sharing these experiences.

  4. I found a lot of resistance from teachers because they couldn't understand how the technology could make their lives easier. For some that were willing to try the new technology discovered that it was often much easier to use. I often found that if I could pique their interests that it went much smoother.


  5. Jessica,

    Making others aware of the significance and the value of the technological tools that we wish to implement is important.

    I was challenged with resistance when attempting to implement new technologies within my school but with the challenge came a significant realization. The realization being all it takes is to convince my teachers to take the leap in seeing how using technology impacts our students.

    I truly believe that students are the driving force of new technologies. The students help motivate the teachers to incorporate new strategies because they are afforded the opportunity to learn more.

    Pamela Loder
