Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Module 4: Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools

The outcomes of learners are the same in any educational environment, traditional or online. However, the differences between the two environments lie in the resources/tools and methods/strategies used in delivering instruction to learners. There are specific teaching and learning strategies that have been identified to work best in online environments than do face to face (F2F) environments. The Three (3) C’s that will cause distance education to be the most effective for online learners are content, communication, and collaboration. The instructor and the learner must be active participants throughout the duration of the course in order for the learner to achieve the stated learning outcomes.

In the graphic organizer above, I have listed ways that the instructor can foster content knowledge within an online course because although the content itself is important, how the content is delivered is equally important. Additionally, the use of various technologies that promote communication and collaboration are essential as well. There are various ways for instructors to deliver content to learners, such as through PowerPoint presentations, podcasts, webcasts, blogs, wikis, video conferencing, etc. Additionally, there are various ways for instructors and learners to communicate with one another, including discussion boards (through learning management systems), blogs, wikis, email, and social networking sites, such as Facebook. As it relates to collaboration, the various communication tools are used to allow learners to work together on class assignments and projects. For instance, some of the same tools that are used to communicate, such as blogs and wikis, can assist in collaboration amongst learners.

Prior to beginning this program at Walden, I’d never created or used a blog or wiki to post information and communicate with my peers and instructors. Being that these tools assist with communication and collaboration, you have to also acknowledge that they are convenient, easy to use, and FREE!

Anderson, T. (Ed.). (2008). The theory and practice of online learning. (2nd ed.). Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press.

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies for enhancing student interactivity in an online environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190−193.

Siemens, G. (2008). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. ITForum.


Here are some blogs related to this topic: 


  1. Hi Jessica,
    I enjoyed your post. I tried to copy and paste my organizer like this but the diagrams would not show up. You touched on one of the main roles of an online instructor, encouragement. Without it, we would be lost. It is so vital to hear words of comfort. Stress causes so many illnesses and can also lead to death. One comforting word can change the outcome of anyone's stressful situation. I viewed your related blogs to this topic and came across some interesting names. Have you ever heard of or used Joomla LMS, ZoHo,Zimbra, and Wimba?

  2. Jessica,
    You brought up very valid points about the highlights of content, collaboration, and communication and their use in online learning. After reading your post, I began to think about how useful blogs and wikis truly are. These tools address all three C's, and being free is definetly a plus! I as well had never created a blog or wiki before my Walden courses, but I can now see all of their advantages and look forward to getting into a higher grade level where I can use these with students. Have you had any experience using blogs or wikis with your students? Great post!

  3. Jessica,

    I enjoyed your graphic organizer. It clearly explained the "3 C's!" I definitely agree that everyone from the instructor to the student has be actively engaged during a distance learning course. Given that so many of these digital resources are free it is sad to think that many people don't know about them or use them. How can we get the word out about these resources?

  4. Jessica; I concur with your reference to specific teaching and learning strategies that have been identified to work best in online environments than do face to face (F2F) environments. I find that this can be a tough transition for some instructors (me)to adapt from F2F curriculum and the resources afforded for this learning environment when compared to the student expectations in a formal class; what I have found quite helpful for my 8200D Research course is the instructor's use of the Live Chat each week to discuss the upcoming Stats assignment; has made a huge difference with the chance to follow along, collaborate with peers, and ask question; best part is that the session is recorded for later review; if you take this course, I hope your instructor offers this weekly session.
    Keep up the focused effort on your project.
